The Tiki Bots are here! Choose the Tiki Bot with Honu Driver, the Tiki Bot with Mano Driver, or get both! They each retail for $65, but our pre-Christmas sale price is just $55, or you can save even more by getting two for $100! Also available is Malu, Sam's protector tiki for $40. They are available for pick up on November 19, 25 and 26 from 9am to 2pm in Kaneohe at 46-022 Alaloa St. behind Windward Mall. Cash and Paypal are accepted and you can also prepay via Paypal to [email protected] and indicate Honu (turtle), Mano (shark) or Malu in the comment. Tiki Bots are now available online at the $55 sale price at our Ebay store.