Hawaiian Avenger Kanaka is a new title in the Pineapple Man Universe. The story is centered around homeless special division veteran, Lucas Kilinahe who is accompanied by a chicken called Thunder Lightning and a cat named Klohe. His weapons include an o‘o stick, poi pounder, pink rubber slippers and a giant hook.
The first book is an eight page color issue that debuted at Amazing Comic Con Aloha, February 22-24, 2019. Stories will involve local culture, history and landscapes and touch on societal issues and attitudes. Pineapple Man and Miyo appear in the first two issues. Gary Adachi's Captain Kanaka-kai and his dog Kaukau will join them in issue #2 along with the introduction of a new character, Captain Hawaii. Check out the first review of Hawaiian Avenger Kanaka #1 by Game Over Comics. |
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