Sam and Napua recently had the pleasure of promoting Pineapple Man, the Hawaiian Comic Book Alliance, HawaiiCon and the Amazing Hawaii Comic Con!
On Episode 5 we're joined by comic book creator Sam Campos and colorist Napua Ahina of Pineapple Man, Hawai'i's very first comic book super hero. We learn about Pineapple Man's rich 20 year history and future plans and directions. We also discuss the Hawai'i Comic Book Alliance.
Those kids who doodled comic-book figures in their school notebooks may end up having the last laugh. Sam Campos got scolded in school for his first efforts, but now he’s a working comic book artist as the creator of Dragonfly and Pineapple Man, and one of the founders of the Hawaiian Comic Book Alliance. It’s a growing hui that has a couple of gatherings coming up, and Sam joined the show to tell us more.